Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council has officially been given UN Human Rights recognition for our achievements in collectively supporting the Global campaign of Civil Society, Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Right to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment.
Two years ago, on 28 July 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted the
resolution recognizing for the first time the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable
environment. As a testament to the collective efforts advocating for the universal
recognition of this right, our Global campaign of Civil Society, Indigenous Peoples, Social
Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Right to a Clean,
Healthy, and Sustainable Environment won the prestigious 2023 United Nations Human
Rights Prize.
These achievements would not have been possible without the dedication and
hard work of each organization that has been part of this campaign from the beginning,
including, Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council Incorporated (Kimberley Australia), It is global recognition for our collective wisdom and work. The universal recognition of this right by the UN marked the culmination of our Global
Campaign's journey as we have achieved what we had united for the recognition by
the United Nations of this vital human right, further equipping people at the local, national
and international level with powerful support for their important work. Nevertheless, so
much work still needs to be done to achieve the enjoyment of the right to a clean, healthy,
and sustainable environment by all.